Former college football player at Oklahoma University, graduating from Northwestern Oklahoma State University in 1992, with this opportunity came multiple injuries and rehabilitation sessions. In 1999 I was hit by a car with estimated speeds between 62-65 mph. That left me with broken bones in my lower extremities and wrist, more rehab sessions. More pain meds, enough was enough!

I started my massage journey in 2004, with the intent of reducing my own body aches and pains. I have spent the last 20 plus years wanting and seeking a better way to give a better session, to those who ache like I do. I have learned through various forms of experiences of bodywork, i.e. Chiropractic, sports training my own physical therapy.

Wrapping these experiences into one package, is breaking the body down into specific regions as educated to do. Working those targeted areas, where the majority of us ache, waiting the feedback to work at a deeper level, giving an insight of a repeated action that may cause specific pained areas.

As an individual and therapist, my goal is to continue to pray, listen, inform and educate each client to a better self-care. Taking a deeper walk into true holistic care, seeking the internal and external care, gaining the knowledge to assist a multitude of people seeking changes for their walk in life.